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Tasbeeh Counter & Player

Online Tasbeeh Counter with audio and random background on each tap. No need to register or download any software.
Tasbeeh Counter & Player

This is my first post. I was really thinking about what should be my first post and from which category. Choosing a category was real easy. I knew I will start something from my religion Islam. And here i am providing you my own version of Tasbeeh Counter

Tasbeeh Counter v1.0
    Current Features
  1. Tap anywhere on start count.
  2. Random Background Color on each count.
  3. Choose from predefined Tasbeeh to play on each count.
  4. You can also choose to use a tick sound or no sound at all.
    Upcoming Features
  1. Choose a predefined amount of taps to stimulate itself.
  2. Upload a custom Tasbeeh (sound) to play.
  3. choose a custom amount of taps to stimulate.
Tasbeeh Counter v1.0

Alternatively, I am adding a Tasbeeh Player down below for people who would like to listen to it. Rather than using the manual counter. Initially the player would list a complete audio with predifined counts and tasbeeh. You can always request more tasbeeh and counts. I will keep this player and Tasbeeh Counter up to date to fulfill as many request I can.

Please do provide feedback. Negative or Positive, I would love to hear from you. This is the only way, i will be able to make it better for everyone. You can contact me via any social platform or email. Visit About Us section for the details

ایک تبصرہ شائع کریں

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